Userflows and Sitemaps


Series of steps user takes to achieve meaningful goals

  • Define the User Journey: Visualize the path users will take to achieve specific goals. For a Phone specification website, for example, consider the journey from the homepage to a detailed phone spec page, and perhaps even to a comparison or review page.
  • Estimate Screen Requirements: Identify the key screens needed (e.g., homepage, phone category, detailed spec, comparison, review) and their interactions, so you can capture the full scope of the user’s journey.

Some points to keep in mind -

  1. Name your Flow Screens ( Ex - Making a Payment )
  2. Flow should only be in 1 direction to avoid confusion
  3. Create distinct flows




Ensures that all pages are organized logically and that navigation is intuitive for users. A well-structured sitemap will help clarify the information architecture, ensuring users can easily find what they need.
